Why Westside?

Our mission is to provide up-to-date veterinary care to the Westbank. By investing in advanced equipment and the education and training of our staff, we aim to offer multiple techniques and methods in the treatment and prevention of disease. New procedures and medications are constantly being evaluated, shared and discovered by practicing and research veterinarians around the globe. These represent new strategies to address problems – old and new. It’s our job, and promise, to learn about these novelties and offer them to you if they are safe and effective.
Our mission is to provide comprehensive veterinary care to the Westbank. From nail trims to orthopedics, bathing to dentistry, we strive to be your easy one-stop shop because traveling with pets can be such a headache for you and your beloved companion! By offering extensive services in every category, being located next-door to a compounding pharmacist and off of a major thoroughfare, we hope stress will be reduced by only one round-trip visit.
Our mission is to provide individualized veterinary care to the Westbank. We recognize that there is not a one-size-fits-all plan for every pet. A Retriever who travels and hunts with his owner has different needs than a Shih tzu who rarely gets off of the bed; outdoor cats face many more challenges than those living indoors. The needs of older pets differ from younger ones. As well, owners differ in the degree into which they want to investigate problems and intervene in their pets’ health. At Westside Veterinary Hospital, we will discover your individual pet’s needs, listen to your concerns and determine a plan. Nobody knows your pet like you, so we will work together in providing for their care!